CSE 214 Homework Handin Instructions
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY You are encouraged to work and study with your classmates. You can discuss homework problems with your classmates in order to understand what you are being asked to do. HOWEVER, you must work on the actual solution on your own. All work you submit for homework or exams MUST be your own work. This is the only way you will strengthen your skills of programming and program design. You cannot submit any program code or exam answers obtained from another person as your own. You also cannot use unauthorized sources for your answers to programs or exams. If you are unsure whether a source is acceptable, you must ask your instructor. If you cheat or aid someone in cheating, you can automatically fail this course and be brought up on charges of academic dishonesty without warning.
All assignments must be handed in electronically by the required due date and time. Note: all assignments must be handed in via Unix (use SSH) from your Sparky account. This is the only way submissions will be accepted. In order to hand in electronically, follow these steps:
- Setup your submit directory. Create a new directory named submit and place all the files you need to run your program. This means all Java source files & data files. TAs are going to download and then run these files, so make sure you don't leave any files out. You are not required to submit a README file. So, if you are only handing in source files, you might use the following commands to setup your directory:
bash-2.02$ mkdir submit
bash-2.02$ cp *.java submit - To handin, you will use the handin214 program, which is similar in use to the handin114 program you used in CSE 114. So, to handin the contents of your submit directory for HW 1, you would type:
bash-2.02$ handin214 hw1 submit
NOTE: You would replace the "1" with the hw # you are handing in for future assignments (ex: hw2, hw3, etc ...). This command should be typed in the directory that contains the "submit" directory (so the handin214 script can find it).
- The handin214 command will tell you what is being submitted from your directory and if it is successful. If it is unsuccessful, check your command to see if you typed it correctly. Also check to see that you are executing this command from the correct subdirectory. These are 95% of the source of errors for this command not working. Still having trouble, see a TA immediately, post a message to the message board, or contact the instructor for assistance. A correct submission might look like:
bash-2.02$ handin214 hw1 submit
a submit/ 0K
a submit/Hello.java 1K
Wrote 10240 bytes to hand-in file, now updating log file.
Hand-in successful, 10240 bytes saved.
Note that the number of bytes handed in may vary, but a handin with 0 bytes is a clear indication something is wrong. - To double-check that your submission was done properly, you can use your favorite text editor to view the LOG file, which contains a log of all handin submissions and the date/time that they were made. For example, you might type:
bash-2.02$ pico ~cse214/Handin/LOG
NOTE: When checking the LOG file, again, check the size of your submission. If it says '0', then there was a problem because none of your code was handed in. - You may hand in your submit directory as many times as you like UP TO THE DUE DATE/TIME OF THE ASSIGNMENT. If you hand in (or re-hand in) after the due date and time, it will be considered LATE (NO EXCEPTIONS!) and will not be graded. Also, understand that when you hand in electronically, we only receive the last submission you send us and that all others are replaced.
- WARNING: Electronic hand in is NOT EMAIL!!!! Do NOT email your program to your TA or your instructor! If you do, it will not be graded! You MUST hand in electronically using the "handin214" command.
- Do not submit after the due date/time even if you submitted earlier, the directories will be removed and all subsequent submissions will be rejected.
NOTE: You should not submit any project files or directories. This will greatly complicate things for your TA and instructor. You should only be submitting one directory (submit), with only those files necessary to run your program. Also, do not submit any zipped files.
Web page created and maintained
by Richard McKenna